Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS)

Pi Day Celebrations at YCIS Shanghai 


What do you call snakes that are 3.14 metre long? What do 3.14% of sailors become? The answers to these Pi Day riddles are at the bottom of this posting. Recently, YCIS Shanghai celebrated ‘Pi Day’. Students in all year levels participated in a variety of Mathematics challenges, from finding patterns to break codes and solve riddles, to creating a skyline using various lengths and numbers of digits in Pi, to using hands-on materials to investigate the relationship between circumference and diameter that Pi represents. Students learned about facts on the very special number and had our digits of recitation competition. And what is Pi Day without pies? Students celebrated Pi Day with delicious pumpkin pies during lunch! Answers to Pi Day riddles. 1. ????-thons (pythons); 2. ????-rates (pirates)


最近,上海耀中庆祝了一年一度的“ π日”(3月14日)。所有年级的学生都参与了各种数学挑战,从寻找模式到破译密码和解谜,到使用圆周率中不同长度的数位数字创建天际线,再到使用动手材料来研究圆周率代表的周长和直径之间的关系。我们将这一天也定为屋队活动日,因此当学生们完成挑战时会得到屋队积分。学生们学习了关于π这个特殊数字的知识,并参加了π数字背诵比赛。在π日没有pie(馅饼)怎么行呢?中学部的学生们在午餐时间品尝了美味的南瓜馅饼,以此来庆祝这个特别的节日。另外谜题的答案是:1. ????-thons (pythons 蟒蛇); 2. ????-rates (pirates海盗)

The Sky is the Limit 天空是极限!

‘Can I sit on a cloud?’ This is currently the latest inquiry question for a K4 class at YCIS Pudong. In ECE, to develop children’s’ interests, we are linking learning to the Sustainable Developmental Goals. Children are actively exploring, experimenting, and discovering clouds, the water cycle, and what makes rain dirty.


Art Think 艺术性思维

‘Art Think’ is a blog where YCIS Pudong students can find the information they need for their latest art projects, showcase their artwork, and learn about interesting artists. The blog started as a resource for students to access specific techniques for working in different mediums. While the blog continues to develop as we add more content, we are pleased to announce that the blog is now also open for parents.

艺术思维博客是为世纪公园校区的学生们搭建的寻找绘画技巧的平台。在这里,既可以看到来自学生们的艺术作品,也可以看到创意先锋们的作品。博客最初的构想是希望它可以作为一个资源平台,让学生们可以学习在不同媒介创作中所需的不同技巧。随着博客 界面和内容的日臻完善,我们希望和家长们分享这个平台。
